Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

PC Mechanic, New Article

PC Mechanic, New Article

Why Does Google Use Tape Backup To Store Gmail Data?

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 03:00 AM PST

Some of you out there may have read stories like this one and may be confused at the fact as to why Google of all companies uses tape as one of its backup mediums. After all, they own tens of thousands of servers that perform tens of thousands of redundant backups, so what would be the point?

The point is one that escapes anyone that hasn’t worked in a corporate server environment, specifically concentrating on long-term storage. It’s called shelf life.

Premium half-inch tape has a shelf life of about 30 years, like this brand. It’s really expensive as it’s specially coated to ensure maximum life span over any other media type you can possibly think of. And there’s even tape that boasts a shelf life of 50 years.

Why Google uses tape is the same reason any large corporation does the same – disaster recovery.

In the event of a natural (e.g. earthquake) or otherwise (e.g. massive power grid failure) disaster, the tape stands the most chance of actually surviving. In addition, it is a physical media that if need be can be physically transported to a data recovery center much safer and easier than hard drives. If you’re wondering why anyone would need to do that, well, if the power is out there’s no internet, you have to get the data transported somehow – even if that means by truck and/or flight.

Another type of disaster is when the system itself suffers a large failure. The tape backup is ultimately independent from the system, so if the system goes awry and corrupts the data beyond repair cascade-style, the tape backup saves the day there as well as it should not be affected in a system-wide bug.

Should you use 1/2-inch tape backup?

For home use it’s total overkill. The equipment and media is prohibitively expensive and data transfers are slow.

Here’s a link showing where you’d have the most choice with tape backup (40+ different drives to choose from) using the LTO Ultrium 4 format, sorted by lowest price first. Believe me, you need seriously deep pockets to store data this way.

Want to develop your own long-term/disaster recovery on the cheap?

Optical and cloud are still your best options here. Using both would be the best cost-effective home backup solution.

On the optical side of things, if you’re of the opinion DVD is too small, consider a Blu-ray burner drive because they have broken the $100 price barrier. One by LG with 10x write is $89. One by LITE-ON with 12x write is $99.

A 50-pack of BD-R 25GB discs will run you between $30 and $60, depending on brand and write speed. If you think that’s expensive, it isn’t. Bear in mind 50 25GB discs is 1.25TB of storage.

Also know that there is the BD-R DL format, which can store 50GB per disc – but you’ll need a BD-R DL-capable burner drive + the media, all which costs significantly more than regular BD-R.

Why not just use 1TB/2TB hard drives?

You could opt to use 1 or 2TB HDDs, but the discs are easier to handle and use. Packaged properly, they can also withstand long-term storage much better.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

Why Does Google Use Tape Backup To Store Gmail Data?

7 Ways To Get Out Of Being Your Family’s "Computer Guy"

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PST

It’s a common story that if you’re the one in the family who knows computers, everyone wants you to fix everything they broke because of their own stupidity. It’s most likely true you’ve already been fixing their busted OSes and/or computers for some time now and want a way out. I’ll give you 7 ways to do it.

1. Delay any answer to a support request by 48 hours

During the normal trading of emails and messages you have two types from family members. Support request and non-support request. If it’s non-support, answer as you normally would. If it has anything to do with tech support, delay the answer by 48 hours. Eventually they will get the hint when they realize any time they want computer help that they won’t get an answer for 2 days.

2. Answer email/message support requests with links and nothing else

Some or all members of your family are too stupid to use Google. If the support request has a web page that describes how the whatever-it-is is done, send that link and only that link. If you get a reply back saying "I don’t understand that page", reply with "Everything you need to know is there" and stick to it.

3. Enforce a set of rules that appear to be unreasonable but really aren’t

Force any support request to be submitted like a help desk ticket, and if you don’t get everything submitted exactly how it’s supposed to be, refuse the request.

You may think this is rude but it’s not. If you ask for the following:

1. Have you rebooted? (If NO, reboot. If YES, continue.)
2. What time did the error occur?
3. What was the EXACT MESSAGE that appeared in the error?

These three simple questions will stump any stupid family member and usually get them to stop requesting help, because OF COURSE they didn’t reboot, and OF COURSE they don’t know when an error happened, and OF COURSE they never actually write down the error message that would actually, y’know, HELP YOU HELP THEM.

If you’re sick of getting descriptions like, "Yeah, it was this.. thing.. I clicked and it went away and now my other thing won’t work." Nip that in the bud and force them to write down exactly what happened. Yes, on paper. If they don’t have the info, refuse the support request.

4. Answer every support request with "Get a Mac"

And if they should get a Mac and ask for help, then say, "I don’t know anything about Macs", followed by, "Go see a ‘Genius’ at the Apple Store in the mall to fix your problem."

5. Never perform any tech support at family functions

Example: Thanksgiving dinner. If any fool in your family dares ask you for tech help on that day, glare at them with an icy cold look of doom and sternly say, "I came here to eat and watch football. That’s it. You will receive no tech help at all today, so don’t ask."

And yes, there are fools out there who will ask family for tech help on Thanksgiving. And Christmas Eve. And Christmas Day. They are fools because even the thought of being a support mooch on that day is just plain rude.

6. Purposely make your documentation difficult to understand

This is a shady tactic, but it does work well. Purposely answer support requests using what they consider to be computery cryptic-style talk. If they ask you to explain things easier, reply with, "If you can’t understand what I wrote, I can’t help you."

7. Learn how to say no, and mean it

You may have that slick-talker family member that does not take no for an answer no matter how many times you refuse tech support. This person is obviously trained at the art of being a mooch, and yes they are tough to deal with because they’re very persistent. Your moocher family member will try every trick in the book. Begging, guilt trips, you name it, they’ll try it.

When the family moocher approaches and wants tech support, say no. Over and over. Do not give in. Do not be swayed by the slick-talk. Say no, always say no (politely, of course) and mean it.

If the mooch happens to never talk to you again after they learn you’re not giving away any more free tech help, don’t be surprised.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

7 Ways To Get Out Of Being Your Family’s "Computer Guy"

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