Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

By Adam Pash

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

How to Prepare for and Survive a DisasterThe earthquake and tsunami in Japan, followed by tsunami warnings in Hawaii and across much of the West coast, has us all thinking a little bit more about whether or not we're prepared for an unexpected disaster. Here's the Lifehacker guidebook for making sure you're prepared.

Below you'll find resources for building a 72-hour survival kit, surviving longer if necessary, setting up a better emergency contact number, organizing your essential information in case of an emergency, and more. If you've got more helpful suggestions, let's hear them in the comments.

The Lifehacker Survival Guide

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

Follow this Guide to Make Sure You're Prepared for Disaster

If you don't have an adequate emergency kit in your home, it should be your first priority in disaster preparedness. Here's how to put one together so you're ready for an unforeseen emergency. More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

CD3WD Archives the Information Necessary to Rebuild Society

In the event that things got worse than your 72-hour kit can handle, CD3WD is a downloadable resource that contains the information necessary to rebuild. More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

Create a Better Emergency Contact Number with Google Voice

Everybody's got a go-to in case of emergency (ICE) contact, but emergencies have a nasty habit of not caring whether your ICE contact is available to pick up the phone. Reader snappingleather's clever solution: Expand your ICE reach with Google Voice. More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

Save Your Life in an Emergency with Common Objects and Smarts

Reader's Digest lists 12 life-or-death situations and the actions you can take to save yourself when you can't count on aid from anyone else-including some advice that might surprise you. More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

Organize your family's essential information in case of an emergency

When Lifehacker writer Wendy Boswell's mother had a minor stroke, she had no idea where her mom's "stuff" was—her insurance info, her bank accounts, even the location of the keys to her house. Here's how to be prepared. More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

What's the Best Way to (and Why Should I) Create a Home Inventory?

Dear Lifehacker,
In light of all the natural disasters wreaking havoc across the globe, I've realized I should take a home inventory to document everything I own for insurance purposes. What's the best way to do this? More »

How to Prepare for and Survive a Disaster

How to Keep Your Computer Backed Up

In the event of a real disaster, the last thing you should worry about is saving your hard drives. More »

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