Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

PC Mechanic, New Article

PC Mechanic, New Article

What’s The Most Secure Way To Store Data On A Laptop?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011 03:00 AM PST

When it comes to identity theft, stolen data and so on, portable/mobile devices are a big target. All someone has to do is leave a laptop in the open for just a few seconds in a public area and *poof*, gone.

Having a laptop stolen will ruin anyone’s day. And you’ve probably seen many different news stories about how people offer rewards to get their stolen laptops back. However, whenever they do post these rewards, what they want back is the data and couldn’t care less about the laptop itself because that’s what’s important.

Being the data is what matters most, the most secure way to store data on a laptop is to not store it there. Instead you should use other means, of which there are two.

1. Internet

This is not exactly the most secure way to store data given the insecure nature of public Wi-Fi, but it is stored in a place where you can get to it on any computer.

2. USB stick on keychain

As far as a thief is concerned, he or she wouldn’t bother trying to steal a stick because it’s worth less than 10 dollars. To you, however, it’s worth a whole lot more because of the data stored on it. Every USB stick to the best of my knowledge can be keychain-attached. When you plug in the stick to the laptop, leave it on the chain, keys and all. If you have to leave the laptop for a moment, always take the keychain with you. By doing this, you will train yourself never to leave your keys with your data in the open unwatched. And if in the unfortunate even your laptop is stolen, you still have all your important data because it will be on your person.

It’s also well known that USB sticks can be secured easily by both hardware and software.

Using a USB stick is a very easy, very cheap ‘insurance policy’ of sorts to keep your data safe and with you at all times.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

What’s The Most Secure Way To Store Data On A Laptop?

A Wireless Mouse That Lasts 18 Months On A Single AA Battery?

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 09:00 AM PST

logitech-wireless-trackball-m570On my desktop PC I have absolutely no wireless peripherals connected mainly because I consider swapping/charging batteries for a desktop computer rather ridiculous.

Until now.

This peripheral will make an appearance in this week’s newsletter but it definitely deserves its own article because yeah, it’s that good.

I give you the Logitech Wireless Trackball M570. Yeah, it’s a trackball but fortunately at least the ball is blue compared to the normal HAL-like blood-red that’s normally there.

The kicker with this mouse is that it claims to hold a charge for 18 full months on a single AA battery. Bear in mind this is a plain alkaline battery we’re talking about here and not some special li-ion rechargeable or other proprietary cell. One battery, up to a year-and-a-half of charge. That’s pretty amazing.

In practical use however I’d estimate you’d get 12 months instead of 18, but hey, that’s still pretty darned good. I’d even be happy with 6.

The MSRP price? 60 bucks.

NewEgg’s (current) price? 50 bucks.

Worth it? Absolutely.

I might even switch to trackball because of this mouse. Maybe. :)

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

A Wireless Mouse That Lasts 18 Months On A Single AA Battery?

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