Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

PC Mechanic, New Article

PC Mechanic, New Article

5 Tips To Write Better Instructional Documentation

Posted: 16 Feb 2011 03:30 AM PST

If you’ve been charged with writing a document that is supposed to instruct someone else how to do something, today’s way of doing it more or less throws the old methods out the window.

1. Big Bombastic Headers

You’ll notice the headers on PCMech, such as the one right above this sentence, are huge. This is because they’re easier to see, read and know where you are in the document.

2. Less Words

Wrong way:

The following documentation explains how to use and operate the Fanny Whacker 2000.

Right way:

Instructions on how to use the Fanny Whacker 2000

Always remember this phrase when writing documentation: GET TO THE POINT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

3. Skip useless references

If the reference has nothing to do with the core instruction of what you’re attempting to describe, such as:

For further information on Fanny Whacker 2000′s Turnip Twaddler, please see document FU, subsection ID10T.

…don’t do that.

4. Date it. Always.

The date of when the documentation was written should be in the footer area of every page. If it’s an electronic document, the date is shown twice. Once at beginning, once at end.

You can write this as "Last Revised (insert date here)".

5. Warnings should always be posted before the point of no return

If there is something in your documentation which could potentially damage/destroy/obliterate something if performed incorrectly, this information should be placed directly after said instruction, be in plain sight (meaning on the same page) and accented.


Step 5. Cleaning the Fanny Whacker 2000

The FW2000′s paddles should be cleaned gently using a non-abrasive soft cloth.

WARNING: Only use ammonia-free solvent to prevent the FW2000 from exploding and resulting in your untimely death.

On a final note, good documentation is not from being super-descriptive about every single possible thing imaginable. Read your documentation and ask yourself, does it instruct properly? If the answer is yes, the next question is, does it instruct quickly? If yes, the documentation is good.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

5 Tips To Write Better Instructional Documentation

Which Allocation Size Should You Use When Formatting A Hard Drive?

Posted: 16 Feb 2011 03:00 AM PST

When going to format a hard drive in Windows, the default file allocation unit size is 4096 bytes, however there are a whole bunch of other choices to pick from:


Is there a speed difference?

Yes. Selecting a larger cluster size results in faster access times. The tradeoff however is that you’re left with less overall space.

If I choose 512 bytes, does that mean I get the most free space?


What are the larger cluster sizes best suited for?

Big files, such as ripped DVDs, raw AVI files and things of that sort.

Conversely, if most of what you store is smaller files, the smaller cluster size is more suitable.

What if I don’t know which to choose?

This is why the default cluster size is 4096 bytes. If unsure, use 4096.

How can I find out what the current cluster size of a hard drive is?

This is done using CHKDSK.

1. Launch a Command Prompt. (If using Windows Vista or 7, you must ‘Run As Administrator’).

2. Type CHKDSK (DRIVE LETTER HERE): and press Enter, such as CHKDSK D:

3. The final report at the end of CHKDSK will state the bytes in each allocation unit.


Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

Which Allocation Size Should You Use When Formatting A Hard Drive?

An Extensive List Of Free Android Apps

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 05:00 AM PST

For those of you with Android phones looking for some free apps to load it up with, take a look at Gizmo’s Freeware list of "Best Free Android Apps".

Like all of the lists on Gizmo’s site, the applications are organized into categories with a brief write-up on each. There is something on this list for just about any category you can think of:

  • Media Players
  • Productivity
  • Internet/Email
  • System Utilities
  • Publishing (blogs/social networks)
  • Security
  • Games (of course)

So take a look and if you see something you like, grab it.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

An Extensive List Of Free Android Apps

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