Senin, 14 Februari 2011

PC Mechanic, New Article

PC Mechanic, New Article

Get A Email Address

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 03:30 AM PST

I really like it when larger web companies actually use the high-valued domains they own instead of letting them sit there and do nothing. For example, when Microsoft allowed people to get email addresses, that was great. Short, memorable, easy.

AOL’s new Project Phoenix gets off to a great start by offering email addresses. Yes, free. Yes, available now. Go to and get one. Many desirable names will be available but only for a short time.

Before getting into the mail interface, a few quick questions answered:

Free POP3 access? Yes.

Free IMAP access? Yes.

Easy-import features? Yes, and that’s basically the best part of the service.

Good interface? Yes. This one might even win over a few Gmail users; it’s that good.

The top bar


The four big buttons above your message list are for quick email, instant message, text message and status update. A lot of people are going to use this because it’s really easy and moreover quicker.

Status updates

This uses the AOL Lifestream service, which allows to add in Delicious, Digg, Facebook, Flickr, foursquare, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube.



This is available from Settings at top left of the interface. Information like server addresses, what ports to use and so on are easy to get to.

This is one of those ultra-rare opportunities to get an email address on a four-letter domain name that spells a universally recognized word. Get your name while it’s still available. I got mine.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

Get A Email Address

Do You Have A Business Card?

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 03:30 AM PST

Something that amazes me is that no matter how far technology progresses, particularly in the mobile realm, it’s still mandatory these days to carry business cards to share contact information in the fastest possible way in-person. To date, there is nothing that beats that little piece of heavy paper in that respect.

I personally suggest that whether you have a business or not that you should carry business cards and always have them ready to give out when the need arises.

What information should your business card contain?

For business cards, it’s pretty obvious the card should contain your business name, your name, the biz’s web site, any social media links (, a contact email address and phone number.

For personal cards, what I have on mine is name, blog URL, Facebook URL, email address and phone that has the specific header of "cell / text" instead of just "phone" since so many people text these days.

Where do you get business cards?

Option 1. Print them yourself

If you have a printer, you can get business card stock and use the built-in biz card template from Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.

Option 2. UPS Store / FedEx Kinko’s

Although people don’t generally uses these shops for biz card printing purposes, you can get them made there.

Option 3. Local stationary shop

Even the smallest local stationary shop will have biz card printing services available.

Option 4. Internet

I personally use iPrint because I sincerely like their in-browser card designer. It is a true WYSIWYG environment, and in addition you can order low-count (as low as 100) whereas most shops require at least an order of 500 cards.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

Do You Have A Business Card?

How To Set Firefox Tabs Opened From Links To Appear At The End

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:00 AM PST

The default behavior in Firefox 3.6 for new tabs which are opened by clicking on a link is for them to appear immediately to the right of the tab that opened it. While this can work for keeping your tabs somewhat organized, it can throw off tabs you want to always have in front. With a simple tweak, you can have Firefox open all new tabs at the end of your open tabs list:

  1. Open a new tab and enter “about:config” in the address.
  2. Click on the warning button to continue.
  3. In the filter, enter: “browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent” (no quotes).
  4. Double-click on the setting so the value becomes “false”.
  5. Close the “about:config” tab.

Now whenever you click on a link and it opens a new tab, the new tab will appear at the end and preserve your existing tab order.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

How To Set Firefox Tabs Opened From Links To Appear At The End

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