Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

By Kevin Purdy

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011Good things, and better prices, come to those who wait. Buy your furniture now, laptops in April, appliances in September, and make other better-timed purchases with our buying guide, and you'll save a few bucks with off-season, inventory-moving prices.

We first did a Best Times to Buy chart in January 2010. Soon after that, we offered (almost) monthly updates and explications of what was on sale, and why. Our commenters, being the awesome people they are, continued offering more tips as we went along, and knocked down a few of our ideas. So we've fixed up our big chart, fine-tuned the individual months' listings, and present for you here our Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011.

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The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

Now, onto the what and why of each month. Much of this information is drawn from these sources, along with tips and validations from our commenters. We also leaned a little bit from Mark Di Vincenzo's handy book, Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That, and Go There.

First Quarter (Jan/Feb/March)

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

  • Gas grills & air conditioners: They're obviously off-season, but it's not like "next year's model" will be remarkably better or different.


  • Bicycles & Sporting Goods: Not only is it prime off-season pricing, you've got the attention of salespeople who think they're talking to someone who's for real about their exercise.
  • Furniture: It's both a lull and a changeover for the showrooms, so find that dining room set and haggle.
  • Digital frames: Hey, where'd all last month's buyers go? Pick up the leftover stock on the cheap.
  • Carpeting: Most people are focused on holidays, not renovations, and it's before the big tax rebate buying season, according to Carpet SuperSite.


  • Tools: The kinds with batteries and cords and lots of warnings, because their makers put on a big push.
  • Chocolate (after Feb. 14): Because, well, you know.
  • Digital cameras: The newest models are out, fresh from the trade shows, so anything left over goes cheap.


  • Luggage: Halfway between buying seasons, stores eager to move.
  • Frozen foods: Goofy, but it's "National Frozen Food Month." And you can buy and freeze.
  • Winter coats & sports gear: Winter fun season is coming to an end. Where to find end-of-season goods? Try commenters' suggestions.
  • Boats: It's the end of boat show season; you've got the upper hand.

Second Quarter (April/May/June)

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

  • Televisions: Japanese manufacturers' fiscal years end in March, so old inventory must go to make the cut.
  • House (for availability): It's a tricky thing, house buying, but if you do it early enough to see how the house survived winter, but not at the height of warm-weather open house season, a good deal can be found.
  • Boots & winter wear: Nobody's buying, except your think-ahead self.


  • Cruises: Cruise lines are moving ships around the world this month; Book and travel short-notice this month; they'll be happy to have passengers. (via BKIM).
  • Car accessories & parts: Prime car-fixin' season is coming up, so old inventory must go. Commenters point out best spots for online car parts.
  • Laptops: Might be inventory, or some other reason, but laptops go cheap this time of year.
  • Fabric: Craft stores are shifting from heavier winter fabrics to lighter spring stuff.
  • Cookware: Graduations are around the corner, so get in on that going-away gift sale (and consider buying stainless).
  • Vacuum cleaners: The new models arrive in June, so this here is clean-out time.
  • Sneakers: Spring has sprung, charity races are plenty, and sneaker makers are targeting less serious runners.


  • Patio furniture: New stuff hits the floor, old stuff needs to go. Also check your local garage sales.
  • Party supplies: Whether or not you're hosting a graduation party or early-spring picnic, stock up now for later.
  • Cookware: Graduations, weddings, and cheaper goods at both the high and low price points.
  • Vacuum cleaners: Just like last month, clearing out old models before June roll-outs.


  • Gym memberships: Nobody's making resolutions, and it's nice weather out. Get your haggle on.
  • Tools (June 1-20): Father's Day sales don't require birth certificate proof, now, do they?
  • Suits (June 1-20): Same as with tools: fathers need suits, but so might you, as JCMasterpiece tells it.
  • Dishware: Like May, June is a wedding month, so dishes are cheaper, whether or not you're registered.
  • Off-season sports gear: If you support a team, now might be the time to show it, as college and pro gear for most sports is off-season.

Third Quarter (July/Aug/Sept)

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

  • Big appliances: Showrooms are moving out last year's models, making room for new stuff, and all the scratch-and-dent pieces that are totally operational are offered at deep discounts.


  • "Older" computers: As in not just arriving. Intel and AMD and system makers start ramping up for new stuff now, discounting old stuff.
  • Furniture: Stores make an inventory push, so if you like something, make an offer.
  • Broadway tickets: It's off-season for NYC tourism, so now's the time to snag those half-off tickets.'s CEO agrees.
  • Grills (after July 4th): Wait for it, wait for it ... now, grab that grill, while stores shift toward back-to-school and yard gear.


  • Older computers: Same as July; newer stuff is on its way.
  • Laptops: Big-box stores and direct retailers want everyone going back to school to tote a laptop.
  • Outdoor toys & camping equipment: They take up lot of space, so as the season ends, stores want rid of them—at 65% off, even.
  • Kids' clothing: Don't have kids? Buy gifts, or surprise a nephew/niece, maybe.
  • Wine: Small-run, eclectic wines can be found early in the harvest, often cheaper.
  • Linens & storage containers: For the college crowd, but we all occasionally need to tuck stuff away and cover a bed. Macy's, for example, has deep sales.


  • Cars: It's the sweet spot between two years' inventory. Watch a car you like on the lot, come in later to make an offer.
  • Wines: As with August, but September is more of the traditional wine-buying season.
  • Laptops: More back-to-school discounts.
  • Holiday airfare: You're about eight weeks out from Thanksgiving, so it's a good time to buy those air tickets.
  • Grills & lawn mowers: Stores are moving 'em on out and making room for colder-weather gear.

Fourth Quarter (Oct/Nov/Dec)

The Best Times to Buy Anything in 2011

  • Shrubs, bushes, bulbs, etc.: If you have a cellar or other area to store plants over the winter, you can jump in now and get these items, plus ever-plant-able bulbs, very cheaply.


  • Jeans: Whatever jeans they couldn't sell for back-to-school, it's yours now, just cheaper.
  • Cookware: Is October too early for holiday deals? Is cookware a gift? Manufacturers and retailers offer a resounding "yes."
  • Health insurance: You may not really have another time to buy it, if you're employed full time. During open enrollment, look around and see what's new in the offerings.
  • Toys and games: Sales are often offered to kick-start the holiday season, but maybe you, too, enjoy a good video game or board game.


  • Candy: Post-Halloween glut.
  • Aluminum foil & plastic wrap: Weird, but true.
  • Cookware: Early holiday sales make it just a bit cheaper.
  • Wedding dresses (starting Nov. 15): As with next month, it's a slow season, and just before cutesy Christmas engagements.
  • HDTV & home theater gear: From now until after the Super Bowl, the gear is new and the prices are relatively good.


  • Wedding dresses (and other wedding gear): Few are buying, but many to-be-marrieds are arriving after Christmas engagements. Move the price around to your liking. Commenter Chispea agrees.
  • Tools: Winter home repairs are less appealing, but just as viable in most cases—and the tools are cheaper.
  • Champagne and sparkling wine: Believe it or not, this is both the time it's prevalent, and the time to buy it.
  • HDTVs and home theater equipment: The deals are a bit better in January, but now is a good time to look before the big push in spring.
  • Off-color cars: Fancy a purple, orange, gold, or other off-color ride? You can probably get it for a steal right now as a year-end write-off for the dealership.

What deals did we miss? Which off-season discounts have you been the most pleased to encounter? Share your savvy bits of buyer power in the comments. Number of comments
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